Abstraksi Contoh Judul Skripsi Matematika
Meteran listrik atau KWH Meter sangat umum dijumpai pada setiap rumah pelanggan listrik. Fungsi dari alat ini adalah menghitung seberapa besar pemakaian energi listrik suatu bangunan entah itu di rumah, kantor maupun pabrik. Nilai tersebut yang dihitung dalam satuan KWH ( Kilo Watt Hour ) setiap bulannya akan dikalikan dengan harga satuan tarif dasar listrik ( TDL ) dan ditambahkan dengan nilai abodemen plus pajak 10 persen akan menghasilkan tagihan yang kita terima setiap bulannya.
Menyadari akan sulitnya melakukan perhitungan – perhitungan di atas maka alat ini memberikan kemudahan kepada kita untuk melakukan kalkulasi pembayaran listrik. Alat ini memberikan nilai setiap menitnya sehingga dengan mudah kita dapat mengetahui seberapa besar biaya pemakaian listrik kita setiap saat kita ingin melihatnya.
Alat ini sangat cocok untuk digunakan pada rumah kos dimana biasanya pemilik kos menetapkan tarif flat untuk tambahan alat-alat listrik seperti televisi, komputer, kulkas dan lainnya. Biaya tarif flat ini dapat dirubah menjadi bayar sesuai pemakaian sehingga tidak ada pihak yang dirugikan.
Penyewa kamar dapat mengetahui besar biaya pemakaian listrik dalam setiap menitnya. Tampilan dari alat ini berupa 6 digit nilai rupiah plus 2 digit simbol mata uang rupiah ( Rp ). Selain itu alat ini juga dilengkapi dengan indikator gerakan piringan KWH. Setelah melakukan beberapa pengujian terhadap alat ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa alat ini sudah bekerja dengan baik.
Berikut contoh judul skripsi matematika yang lain : Contoh-contoh judul skripsi pendidikan matematika
Menyadari akan sulitnya melakukan perhitungan – perhitungan di atas maka alat ini memberikan kemudahan kepada kita untuk melakukan kalkulasi pembayaran listrik. Alat ini memberikan nilai setiap menitnya sehingga dengan mudah kita dapat mengetahui seberapa besar biaya pemakaian listrik kita setiap saat kita ingin melihatnya.
Alat ini sangat cocok untuk digunakan pada rumah kos dimana biasanya pemilik kos menetapkan tarif flat untuk tambahan alat-alat listrik seperti televisi, komputer, kulkas dan lainnya. Biaya tarif flat ini dapat dirubah menjadi bayar sesuai pemakaian sehingga tidak ada pihak yang dirugikan.
Penyewa kamar dapat mengetahui besar biaya pemakaian listrik dalam setiap menitnya. Tampilan dari alat ini berupa 6 digit nilai rupiah plus 2 digit simbol mata uang rupiah ( Rp ). Selain itu alat ini juga dilengkapi dengan indikator gerakan piringan KWH. Setelah melakukan beberapa pengujian terhadap alat ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa alat ini sudah bekerja dengan baik.
Berikut contoh judul skripsi matematika yang lain : Contoh-contoh judul skripsi pendidikan matematika
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Skripsi Penelitian Skripsi Pendidikan Matematika Pembelajaran Di SMP Negeri
Penerapan Pembelajaran Kontekstual Matematika Pada Bahasan Ruang Dimensi Tiga
Judul Skripsi Pembelajaran Kontekstual Matematika Inquiry Model
Traditionally, assessment is held at the conclusion of a unit of study. Certain grade is used to decide the understanding degree of the students to the subject. Traditional assessment includes multiple-choice questions and asking students to respond the questions with short answers.
Portfolio assessment is a purposeful collection of student work that tells the story of the student’s effort, progress, or achievement in given areas. Portfolio can be viewed as a systematic and organized collection of evidence used by the teacher and student to monitor the growth of student’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes in a specific content area. The indicators of portfolio assessment are daily test result, structured tasks, anecdotal record, and report of the student’s activity out of school.
The purposes of this research are to describe the student’s learning achievement with traditional assessment and portfolio assessment, and then find out the difference between the student’s learning achievement with traditional assessment and portfolio assessment.
The design of this research is ex post facto. The population is the 1st class of students of SMP 4 Jambi. In selecting the sample is used clustered random sampling. The students of class 1A and 1B of SMP 4 Jambi are chosen as the sample. The data collection is done by observation and collecting the documentation. T-test is used to analysis the difference between the students’ learning achievement with traditional assessment and portfolio assessment
Based on the analysis, the researcher finds that mean of the class with traditional assessment is 60.00 and mean of the class with portfolio assessment is 70.31. By using t-test at the level of significance (a) 0.05, is got tratio is bigger than ttable, that is tratio = 2.833 > ttable = 1.992, it shows that there is a significant difference between the students’ learning achievement with traditional assessment and portfolio assessment.
It can be concluded that the student learning achievement with portfolio assessment is better than the student learning achievement with traditional assessment at the level of believe 95%. But portfolio assessment is better implemented in small class because teacher will be easier in managing the class.
Portfolio assessment is a purposeful collection of student work that tells the story of the student’s effort, progress, or achievement in given areas. Portfolio can be viewed as a systematic and organized collection of evidence used by the teacher and student to monitor the growth of student’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes in a specific content area. The indicators of portfolio assessment are daily test result, structured tasks, anecdotal record, and report of the student’s activity out of school.
The purposes of this research are to describe the student’s learning achievement with traditional assessment and portfolio assessment, and then find out the difference between the student’s learning achievement with traditional assessment and portfolio assessment.
The design of this research is ex post facto. The population is the 1st class of students of SMP 4 Jambi. In selecting the sample is used clustered random sampling. The students of class 1A and 1B of SMP 4 Jambi are chosen as the sample. The data collection is done by observation and collecting the documentation. T-test is used to analysis the difference between the students’ learning achievement with traditional assessment and portfolio assessment
Based on the analysis, the researcher finds that mean of the class with traditional assessment is 60.00 and mean of the class with portfolio assessment is 70.31. By using t-test at the level of significance (a) 0.05, is got tratio is bigger than ttable, that is tratio = 2.833 > ttable = 1.992, it shows that there is a significant difference between the students’ learning achievement with traditional assessment and portfolio assessment.
It can be concluded that the student learning achievement with portfolio assessment is better than the student learning achievement with traditional assessment at the level of believe 95%. But portfolio assessment is better implemented in small class because teacher will be easier in managing the class.
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